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Benefits of Peanuts as a Diet Friend

So far, nuts are often avoided, especially by people who are on a diet. Peanuts are also often accused of being the cause of acne and other diseases. Though from several studies show various benefits of peanuts that are good for health. Peanuts are actually included in the legume group and are not the same as nuts derived from trees or tree nuts, such as almonds, cashews and walnuts. However, because it has almost the same nutrition, all of them are commonly known as nuts (nuts).

Various Benefits of Peanuts

Various studies reveal that there are various types of beans that are beneficial to health if consumed at the right dose, including:
  • Peanuts contain vitamin E, folic acid, protein, manganese, biotin, fiber, magnesium, monounsaturated fat, and are rich in antioxidants. This nutrient content plays a role in reducing the risk of heart disease. A study found, the risk of heart disease in people who consume 140 grams of nuts or more per week decreases by about 35%.
  • Helps increase good cholesterol levels and reduce bad cholesterol content.
  • The benefits of peanuts include preventing hardening of the arteries and helping to dilate blood vessels.

Healthy Diet by Eating Peanuts

In particular, the benefits of peanuts are very good for those who are on a diet. The study found that people who often eat nuts, including peanuts, actually helped to lose weight. People who are on a diet will also quickly feel full after eating nuts, because besides being nutritious, nuts contain healthy fats and fiber. Satiety that allows people to not eat more food. Here are some tips for using nuts as a healthy snack:
  • Nuts contain about 160-200 calories every 28 grams, although almost all of these calories come from monounsaturated fat content. This is the recommended amount every day. This figure is approximately equivalent to one hand grip.
  • To avoid overconsumption, take nuts as needed with a small bowl and finish them slowly, so you can better control how much beans have been spent.
  • Place the nuts in small plastic containers as snacks to carry as on the way or at the office. In a day, do not consume more than the container that has been prepared.
  • Apart from nuts in their original form, you can consume them in the form of jam. Spread peanut butter with other healthy foods, like apples or whole wheat bread.
  • Beans can also be sprinkled into breakfast cereals, low-fat yogurt, salads, or low-fat ice cream.
  • Boiled peanuts are a healthy processed choice. However, you can also roast the beans for 5-10 minutes in the oven.
It is no less important for you to know is to avoid giving peanuts to children under five years old or toddlers, because it can make them choke. If you want to give it, this peanut should first be ground until smooth. Also be aware of possible allergies, especially if your family has a history of peanut allergies. Generally the benefits of peanuts are very good, including for those who are undergoing a diet program. Peanuts can be consumed as a substitute for snacks with a limited amount, which is as much as 28 grams every day of the week. To maximize the benefits of peanuts as a diet friend, you can also consult a nutrition doctor.
